Monday, November 24, 2008

Sad State of Affairs

Has anyone noticed that no one but me has posted anything on the Mungadai Days since 06 NOV? Must be because I have so much more leisure time than anyone else. I know that the Mungadai have all kinds of pictures and news updates to share with loved ones. Poor dears, they're just too smoked to lift a finger and type. And posting photos? That actually requires mouse clicks--far too arduous for our little darlings.

Don't worry, Mungadai friends and family, the Mungadai do love you and want to keep everyone up to date on what's going on: they're just too tired, weak, and sorry to do so just now.

1 comment:

  1. As a loved on of a Mungadai, I appreciate having you as thier spokesman - I suspect they are incapable of putting a sentence together being all Rambo and all - I've seen evidence of them "drinking chai" which must be a cover for something more "Delta forceish"... matter of fact the history is looking bleak guys - stuck in the mud and taking out the electricity and all... surely you have more to share... all kidding aside - we know you are busy and getting things done - and yes... being our heroes and I know for a fact that you guys look a hellofa lot more manly than that sally "Jack Bauer" I would bet any one of you could kick his a$$... Let's hear from you! I would love to meet the team - the extended family...
