Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Day of Buddha

I would like to take this time to defend myself and the love for the pastime of “bones”. Not winning is a façade and a simple way for me to build the confidence of my fellow teammates. I am strategically placing myself for the winners chair when it counts. As of right now, this time has yet to come. I know for a fact I have Top sleepless at night almost attune to my little scheme. For those that play “bones”, be wary because the day of Buddha will come. The reckoning of numbers and complexity of my skill will spew terror in the simple minds of our little fraternity of dominos.


  1. Yeah sure, whatever makes you sleep better at night is fine by me. Fact is however Top loses sleep because of the obscene noises coming out of your room as you snack on various tasty treats. I hear you all the way down on my side of the cave! Bones, you mean like pizza bones???

  2. Not sure how you're going to take the title since you can't score higher than 20 on any given play; you're done once you run out of fingers and toes.
