Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bandwidth Limitations

Our bandwidth size and internet speeds are pretty constrained here. I'd intended to post more of our Mungadai pictures as a substitute for substantive text until I get a little more knowledgeable about how to work this blog stuff. Unfortunately, it's taking me about 10 minutes to upload each picture. I'll keep at it, intermittently through the day. If you don't see your Mungadai yet, don't worry, I'll get a picture of him as soon as I can. Of course, everyone is in the cook out team picture, you know, the one where Voodoo decided to commit suicide.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings to U all, specially Stan the man.
    In the future U may want 2 optimize UR picture in a power point presentation which will convert it from 20MB to one four of it or less.
    Be safe, Godspeed Air Assault
    HellRaiser7 (HHT 1-61 CAV), former DeathDealer7 (D 1-506th IN)
